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Are You Ready For Changes?

Change is coming…are you ready for it?

With the economy in a constant state of uncertainty and the ever-changing legislation, it’s important to be ready for changes that could impact your retirement!

Join us at Zingerman’s Roadhouse for a complimentary educational course and meal.

What you will learn:

*Specific strategies that help create TAX-FREE income in retirement from your current 401(k)/403(b)/IRA or non-IRA money

*Approaches to potentially lessen your future tax burden of RMDs (required at age 72) now

*How you may benefit from recent tax changes to help reduce taxes over your lifetime

*Three areas where you may be making costly compromises

*A basic overview of the tax rules as they apply today

*And more!

Rsvp today because seating is limited!


Zingerman’s Roadhouse

2501 Jackson Ave
Ann Arbor, MI 48103 United States


January 26, 2022


11:00 AM