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Secure Your Retirement - Image contains tax sticky note and a lock

Secure Your Financial Future

There are two things certain in life: death and taxes.

With that being said, the ladder years of your life should be filled with enjoyable and memorable events- not taxes and fiscal constraints.

Join us for a no-risk no-obligation complimentary educational course for pre-retirees and retirees at the Black Rock in Hartland.

In this educational course, we will teach you how to to do the following:

*Processes to help you deal with market volatility in 2022 efficiently.

*How to protect your hard-earned savings and maximize your retirement income.

*Learn the common dangers facing retirees today and how to minimize the impact to you personally.

*How to efficiently address Long Term Care concerns without paying monthly/annual Long-Term Care policy premiums.

*What you need to know to successfully transition from the working years to the retirement years.

*IRAs & 401(k)s – What are your options if you are still working, and/or have a 401(k) with a former employer?

*Your Legacy – Strategies to maximize assets and minimize taxes!

In addition to this complimentary educational course, we will also be providing a complimentary meal. RSVP now because seating is limited.


Black Rock – Hartland, MI

10100 Highland Rd
Hartland, MI 48353 United States


January 26, 2022


6:00 PM