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Women’s Retirement Roadmap

Retirement planning is essential for everyone, but it holds particular significance for women. Several unique factors  include:

  • Caregiving Responsibilities: Women often enter the workforce later than men or may take career breaks to pursue education, care for elderly parents, or raise children. These interruptions can impact savings, making it crucial to plan for retirement.
  • Income Gap: Women face wage gaps in the workplace, earning less on average than their male counterparts resulting in a need for strategic financial planning.
  • Longevity: Women tend to live longer than men, which means they need to plan for a longer retirement period.
  • Healthcare Considerations: As women age, healthcare needs often become more significant and costly. Planning for potential medical expenses, including long-term care, is a critical aspect of retirement preparation.

Join us for this event designed specifically for women, where we will discuss these factors in detail and provide guidance on how to navigate these unique challenges.


Northwest Ohio

Registry Bistro – Toledo, OH

144 N Superior St
Toledo, OH 43604 United States


August 29, 2024


6:00 PM